Hyunmi, Baek
Associate Professor,
Media & Communication, Korea University
After graduating from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology, she received a master's degree from the Department of IT Management at KAIST (formerly ICU), and a Ph.D. in Management Information Science from Seoul National University Business School. She joined Korea University in 2018 after serving as a senior researcher at the Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), as an assistant professor in the Department of Information Sociology at ERICA College of Media and Information at Hanyang University. She is currently an executive director of the Korean Society for Information and Social Affairs, and an editorial board member of the Information Society and Media, and Broadcasting and Communication Research.
Web site address: https://mediacom.korea.ac.kr/mediacom/about/professor.do
Main Research Area
Using data science methodology, she conducts research on the influence of online word of mouth on social media and the reliability and diffusion characteristics of online word of mouth. In addition, she is interested in the media industry ecosystem and open collaboration that changes due to the development of ICT technology, and is also interested in research on the reliability of online news and the mechanism of public opinion formation through comments.
Lee, S., Baek, H., & Jahng, J. (2017). Governance strategies for open collaboration: focusing on resource allocation in open source software development organizations. International Journal of Information Management, 37, 431-437. (corresponding author)
Baek, H., Oh, S., Yang, HD, & Ahn, JH (2017). Electronic Word-of-Mouth, Box Office Revenue and Social Media. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 22, 13-23.
Oh, S., Baek, H., & Ahn, JH (2017). Predictive Value of Video-Sharing Behavior: Sharing of Movie Trailers and Box-Office Revenue. Internet Research, 27(3), 691-708.
Baek, H., Lee, S., Oh, S., & Ahn, JH (2015). Normative Social Influence and Online Review Helpfulness: Polynomial Modeling and Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 290-306.
Oh, S., Baek, H., & Ahn, JH (2015). The Effect of Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) on Mobile Application Downloads: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Mobile Commerce, 12(2), 136-156. (corresponding author)